Remote Workers Monitoring: How to Maximize Productivity & Keep Your Team Connected

Remote Work
Remote Workers Monitoring: How to Maximize Productivity & Keep Your Team Connected
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It can be difficult to oversee employees who work remotely, especially if you don’t have a designated workplace where you meet in person every day. It’s important that these remote workers maintain regular communication with the rest of your team and the rest of your organization to stay on track and progress toward their goals. Here is a complete guide for monitoring remote workers so they keep up with their projects and make the most of their time spent working from home or away from the office.

Why do you need to monitor remote workers?

Having remote employees can be a great way for your business to save money, but it’s important to make sure that they’re productive. While you may not have the same level of control over their work as you would have with on-site employees, there are several things you can do in order to maximize their productivity and keep them connected with the rest of your team. Here are three ways of remote workers monitoring that will help your company succeed. 

1) It will increase morale among remote employees who feel like their input is valued. 

2) You’ll know when an employee isn’t putting in enough effort or when he or she needs help from other departments. 

3) The remote worker is more likely to remain loyal if he or she feels appreciated by being monitored.

Advice for managers, who want remote workers monitoring

1. Communicate often. Clear and frequent communication is crucial for remote workers. It’s important that you update your team on new developments, and it’s equally important that you ask them for feedback or input on any decisions you’re making.

 2. Offer flexible scheduling opportunities. Not everyone has the same work schedule, so allowing people to choose when they work will make them more productive in the long run. 

3. Hire carefully. Finding the right person for a job can be difficult, but it is even more challenging when there’s no physical interaction involved. Make sure you know what qualities are most important for your position before hiring someone and put their skillset through rigorous tests before deciding whether they’re a good fit or not.

4. Encourage socializing outside of work. Socializing with coworkers outside of the office setting helps maintain a sense of connection, which will help productivity levels at work.

5. Watch out for burnout. Burnout is an all-too-common problem among remote employees and something every manager should watch out for as they try to manage their teams.

Advice for employees, who want or need to be monitored

Know what you’re getting into before you sign up for a remote. Make sure you have the skills and mindset to work remotely because it isn’t for everyone. Consider what type of work environment suits your needs best- are you someone who thrives in an office setting or do you prefer working from home? You’ll want to find out how much time your company is willing/able to invest in helping train and support employees in remote work. And make sure they’ve got a plan for staying connected with coworkers. This may include investing in digital collaboration tools that allow people to video chat with one another as well as share files. You might also need access to phone lines that are available at all times so that you can reach colleagues wherever they happen to be around the world. 

Virtual Workplace Tips

Check-in with your remote employees on a regular basis. Make sure they know you care about their work and that they are being productive. Offer guidance, praise, and incentives when possible, but don’t micromanage them. Also, make sure they have access to all the resources they need to be successful at their job. For example, if you’re working on an IT project, give them the hardware or software they need for the project and get them up to speed on how it works. There are remote workers monitoring software solutions that can be a great way of managing remote employees.


To maximize productivity, you need to keep your team connected. That’s why it’s important not only to have a clear sense of what remote workers are doing but also to have regular check-ins with them. There are many benefits of working remotely and with the right tools and structure, you can take full advantage of them.

Main photo: Arif Riyanto/

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